Be You @ Beghou


Associate Technical Manager Rajesh Tamada joined Beghou Consulting in 2012 as a software developer. Working out of the firm’s Hyderabad office, Rajesh helps develop a variety of technology applications for mobile including Beghou’s proprietary commercial operations platform, Mainsail™. Having worked across a variety of teams at Beghou, Rajesh enjoys the firm’s flexibility, work-life balance and supportive culture.

What does a typical day look like at Beghou?

“The web developer team at the Hyderabad office starts their mornings with a team meeting to discuss priorities for the day and ensure everyone has a manageable workload. I spend the rest of the morning working through my assigned work tickets to address updates and changes to Beghou’s various technology platforms. Then, I join the rest of the team in the open-air cafeteria for lunch and to socialize. Afterwards, I try to finish up my work for the day and we have a team regroup over a cup of coffee or tea in the evening. During this regroup, we discuss how far everyone has reached in completing their assigned work for the day and see if anyone is stuck or needs help. We try to finish the remaining work for the day before taking calls with the U.S. team or heading home.

Since most of the Hyderabad team works closely with colleagues in the U.S., we sometimes schedule calls slightly outside of our typical working hours. I enjoy Beghou’s flexibility, which allows me to leave the office early and take those calls from home. Rarely do we need to work out of the typical working hours other than those pre-scheduled calls. I really enjoy that work-life balance at Beghou.”

What is the culture like at Beghou?

“Beghou has a very open culture. Whether I have a question or need help on a project, I can reach out to anyone in the office for help without any hesitation, regardless of their seniority. Everyone at Beghou is very friendly and supportive of their colleagues.

I also find that Beghou has a very stress-free environment, which is rare for software roles. Across all the teams that I have worked with, I have not felt pressure from tight deadlines. Many of my colleagues who have joined from other companies immediately notice this difference at Beghou.”

What do you like to do outside of work?

“I love playing badminton, chess, watching movies and spending time with my wife and two children. We take a lot of road trips as a family. South India is surrounded by many beaches and hills, with a lot of tourist attractions, and we enjoy exploring them.”

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

“As a child, I wanted to grow up to be a fighter jet pilot.”

What is the best advice you have been given?

“When working through a problem, try to break it into smaller pieces to solve it. Instead of thinking about it, focus first on any action you can take to work through the problem. This helps me more easily and quickly come up with the answer rather than trying to spend a lot of time figuring everything out at the beginning. This advice has really influenced my productivity.”

What advice do you have for someone interested in joining the firm?

“The flexibility and collaborative culture at Beghou is unique, and something people interested in joining the firm should embrace. It is also important for anyone joining the Technology team to keep up on their programming and coding skills, such as AI & ML, Swift,, Python, SQL Server, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

People should also know that Beghou is somewhere to make and build your career. Once you are here, you will want to stay here until you retire.”